Tests of the Cold
Fusion Reactor v1.3
created on May 8, 2003 - JLN
Labs - Last update May 15, 2003
Toutes les
informations et schémas sont publiés gratuitement ( freeware )
et sont destinés à un usage personnel et non commercial
All informations and
diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial
The Cold Fusion Reactor ( CFR v1.3 ) is fully based on the work of the researchers Tadahiko MIZUNO and Tadayoshi OHMORI from the Hokkaido University in Japan.
1 - Cold Fusion Reactor v1.3 - Description :
The Cold Fusion Reactor v1.3 is composed of a 700 mL glass vessel filled with a 600 mL solution of Sodium Hydrogenocarbonate ( NaHCO3 ) 0.5 molar ( 0.5 M ). The Sodium Hydrogenocarbonate ( NaHCO3 ) or baking soda is commonly named in France " Bicarbonate de Soude ".
The Cathode used is a pure tungsten rod ( W ) 2 mm diameter and 45 mm length from tungsten welding rods. The Anode used is composed of stainless steel mesh maintained with a stainless steel shaft. All the wires connections are made with a 1.5 mm2 copper flexible wire gained with silicon.
The Cathode used comes from tungsten
welding rods.
2 - Experimental test setup :
The CFR v1.3 is powered with a DC voltage through a bridge rectifier connected to an isolation transformer. The voltage input has been measured with a digital oscilloscope Fluke 123 with a Shielded Test Lead STL 120 ( 1:1, 1 Mohms/225 pF ). The current input has been measured with a current clamp CIE Model CA-60A ( Accuracy DC Amps ±1.5%, AC Amps±2% (40Hz-2kHz), AC Amps±4%(2kHz-10kHz), AC Amps±6%(10kHz-20kHz) ). The temperature has been measured with a type "K" temp probe ( NiCrNi ) connected on a VC506 digital multimeter ( -20°C to +1200 °C with an accuracy of +/- 3% ). ( see the photo above ).
See a video of full demonstration of the CFR v1.3 in action
To see the video, the free
downloadable RealPlayer is required
You may download free the RealPlayer 8 Basic at : http://proforma.real.com/real/player/blackjack.html
Click on the picture above
to see the video ( 1.4 Mb )
3 - Tests results :
Test procedure :
1) The temperature of the NaHCO3 solution
in the CFR
has been set initially to 77°C.
2) The weight of the CFR v1.3 has been measured initially, it was
768 g.
3) The power supply has been switched on continuously and the
Voltage/Current datas has been recorded in the Fluke 123 digital
oscilloscope used as a data logger, up to a temperature of 97°C.
4) Then the weight of the CFR v1.3 has been measured, it was 740
The run time has been 141.6 seconds.
The Voltage/Current datas logged give an average electrical power input of 451 Watts during 141.6 seconds, so this gives :
The evaporated water in the CFR during the full boiling was 28 mL. We know that we need 2260 J/g to vaporize water. The temperature rise of the 600 mL was 20°C. So, this gives :
ENERGY OUTPUT = ( 28 x 2260 ) + ( 600 x 20 x 4.18 ) = 113440 Joules
Power OUTPUT = 801 Watts, Power Gain = 350 Watts
Energy OUTPUT/INPUT = 113440 / 63866 = 1.78 |
In the energy output calculations, I have used only the energy of the heat generated by the plasma. The energy of the burning Hydrogen-Oxygen mixture has not been taken into account...
Notes from Jean-Louis Naudin : This test of the CFR v1.3 with a pure 2mm tungsten rod shows that the Cold Fusion Reactor is now able to run for a long period. The W cathode and the NaHCO3 solution are still clean after a lot of tests runs.
Here to see a FULL SCREEN MPEG DEMO of the Cold Fusion Reactor in
Interesting documents and references :
See also :
CFR v1.4 tests with a 6x45 mm W
v1.1 tests with W and K2CO3
Email : JNaudin509@aol.com
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